Other women don’t tell you how you’ll forget the fireflies

because you are never out past sunset anymore. Because summer nights are mostly spent on the couch, in the air conditioning, zoned out to the latest Netflix show helping you recover from the day. You recall how your sister-in-law told you, “Days are long, but the years fly,” and as your son gets older, the [...]

Other women don’t tell you when you break down crying in front of your child—

this time, because he refused to poop in the potty and did it in his pull-up and you are sobbing while changing him—he will say, Stop crying, Mama, I’m right here. And you have never heard him say this, nor have you ever said those words to him in English. And his tenderness just makes [...]

Other women don’t tell you your child will catch the moon

and throw it to your next-door neighbor. Here, catch, he’ll say, and when your neighbor passes it back, your son will open his arms wide, I got it. Then, he will tell you how he wants to hug the sky. He will tell you he can swim up there, spread his arms wide in embrace [...]

Other women don’t tell you that when your child is sick (the languages of need and want)

A small part of you will enjoy it. Not his sore throat, because you would take all of his pain for yourself if you could. Not his restless turning in bed, his sweaty body tangled in a mess of blankets and pillows and sheets, and you can’t seem to find the right amount of layers [...]

Other women don’t tell you when it really starts (or how terrible twos hit like clockwork)

November 6th Because any day can feel like the beginning of a new phase in your child’s development. Because every day is, to some extent. Phases. It’s really all about phases. Motherhood and life. But that day, when the terrible two’s really hit, you couldn’t have predicted it or really prepared. And you feel completely [...]

Other women don’t tell you how to teach love in the midst of such hate

You will recall that moment more often than you wish. The time he was the size of a banana inside you, a crescent moon waxing bigger with each passing day. You stood beyond the gates of Auschwitz, where buses come to bring people from all over Poland and take them back to their large, homogenous, [...]

Other women don’t tell you laughter can hurt more than tears.

From the first time you hear it, there is nothing that can compare to that sound. It’s like hearing his heartbeat for the first time all over again. It’s like falling in love. It’s like every single amazing first and so much better than all of them. That first laugh, from deep within his belly, [...]

Other women don’t tell you leaving doesn’t get easier.

There are good days. And bad days. And worse days. And better days. And there are days that blend in together and go on forever or end before you have the chance to realize they even begun. And every new day is a reset button for you as a mother. Yesterday is no indication of [...]

Other women don’t tell you about the day he doesn’t cry.

How he will say “Da” in response to the teacher asking him if he wants to “eat eat.” How he will sit down in his regular chair at the small table with the other children. How he will look at them and tuck his napkin into his shirt as a makeshift bib, just the way [...]